art artificial turf field landscape leisure grassfor playground

Art grass which knits graphics, names and logos into artificial grass, such as standard animal graphics, team logos, names and corporate identities. Art Grass endows application areas with an attractive, memorable and innovative appearance which will certainly draw great interest.

What art artificial grass gives you:

●  No glued joints
●  Multiple shapes and colors
●  Amazing appearance
●  Durable and environmental friendly
●  Higher safety standards
●  Superior brand visibility

Ideal for playground

-Assorted and eye-catching colors, appeal to children
-Imaginative design, both fun and instructive: hopscotch, numbers, capitals…
-Safe and environmental friendly

Other application

-Recreation areas           -Theme parks           -Exhibition areas           -Corporate identity

CCGrass landscape artificial grass manufacturer synthetic turf UV Defender

UV Defender Extra Guarantee form CCGrass Landscape

Max UV Defence
Grey Scale “5” Score UVB
Designed for strong sunlight areas

CCGrass landscape artificial grass manufacturer synthetic turf Health-Protector

Health Protector Extra Guarantee form CCGrass Landscape

Lead Free
Heavy Metal Free
No substance of very high concern
