ccgrass artificial grass manufacturer professional football chelsea-football-club
ccgrass artificial grass manufacturer professional football chelsea-football-club


“The performance of CCGrass proves to be excellent, which for the first time changes players’ old impression on synthetic surface. Senior players have trained on it without nothing but compliments.”

Jason Griffin
Head Groundsman from Chelsea Football Club

Recommendation from Chelsea

Chelsea Football Club, one of the top football clubs in the world, not only has the world-class technical and tactical training, but also owns the best training facility. The club always puts high standards on its facility building and material selection to meet high and extensive training requirements for its players.

To CCGrass honor, Chelsea chose CCGrass football turf system to be installed on its training field in 2011 and gave high compliments for the performance of our grass. As its Head Grounds man wrote in the recommendation letter to CCGrass, “The performance of CCGrass proves to be excellent, which for the first time changes players’ old impression on synthetic surface. Senior players have trained on it with nothing but compliments.”

Chelsea club is only one of many professional football clubs CCGrass football turf system has served. Their compliments continue to inspire us to provide better products and service to professional players around the world.
